Media Release, Wednesday January 10, 2001 Ref. SF/EC-027-2001
Forum's Response to the Un Secretary-general's Report (S/2000/1211,
19 Dec. 2000) to the Security Council
Negation of Reality and A vacation of Responsibility
It was to be hoped that Kofi Annan, the current UN Secretary-General,
would better inform the Security Council on the realities in the ex-Somali
Democratic Republic for once. But nothing of the sort has happened with
his latest report to the Security Council. This is a report that picks
and chooses certain images and facets of the Somali reality, leaving
the reader in ignorance of the most important details and implications.
There are three things that are striking about this report. First, it
does not provide even the slightest historical background of the Somali
crisis, which makes its analysis lack solid foundation. Second, instead
of giving consideration to relevant information from a diversity of
sources, the report is based on a narrow selection of facts and a prejudiced
interpretation of those facts, which makes it seem as if the purpose
of the report is not to ascertain Somali reality but to help the Secretary
General to justify an already foregone conclusion. Third, the report
shows very little evidence that the secretary general is aware of the
potentially disastrous consequences that could ensue from the UN's adoption
and implementation of what is in this report.
Specific parts and Somaliland Forum's response
following parts are from the report and are followed by our comments
as well as by independent data and references.
- The report says:
In the interval between the publication of my previous report and
the initiative launched by President Ismail Omar Guelleh of Djibouti
in September 1999, Somali leaders and
interested Governments continued their efforts to find a solution
to the problem of Somalia. On 23 August 1999, a group of Somali leaders
who had formed the "Somali Peace Alliance" (SPA)
travelled to Djibouti to brief President Guelleh and also travelled
to Addis Ababa for similar meetings with Ethiopian authorities. The
leaders forming SPA included those of "Puntland", the "Somali
Consultative Body", the Rahanwein Resistance Army (RRA) and the
Somali National Front (SNF).
- Somaliland Forum's response:
is said about the SPA and their motives. In fact, their intentions
were in the line of "bottom-up approach" of rebuilding governance
in Somalia, the very method that has been hastily cast aside by the
UN and the Secretary-General, Mr. Kofi Annan, in favor of the group
set up in Djibouti by President Guelleh of Djibouti with an eye to
his interests in the region.
- An independent source said:
Indian Ocean Newsletter, New Body Huddles Around Puntland, N_870 - 11/09/99.
Delegates to the SPA founding meeting set up a management committee
of 27 members, with six of these (Abdullahi Yussuf Ahmed, Ahmed Sheikh
Ali, Omar Hashi Ben, Hassan Mohamed Nur, Mohamed Omar Mohamed, and Sheikh
Aden Mohamed) also on an executive committee. The formation's objective
is to rebuild a central authority in Somalia starting off from regionally-based
groups and administrations, but it also expects to unify its armed groups
and to set up a unified military command in Beled Weyne,in Hiraan Region
(central Somalia).
- For Puntland leaders, this move is the realization of their strategy
known as "Bottom-up Approach" which aims to rebuild the Somali
central authority from the base upwards, starting with regional bodies
born of the national fragmentation. But this prospect is constantly
opposed by Mogadiscio warlords who have their own designs, and it is
ignored by Somaliland leaders who are no longer living in the framework
of a united Somalia.
2 - The report says:
4. President Guelleh, in his address to the general Assembly at its
fifty ? fourth session, on 22 September 1999, said that he was prepared
to lead a new attempt to bring peace and reconciliation to Somalia
and establish structures of governance. Lamenting the
failure of the Somali warlords to live up to the promises they had
made in previous negotiations, President Guelleh stressed that any
future process should be linked to Somali civil society. He also declared
that warlords should be charged with crimes against humanity, and
international sanctions should be imposed on those obstructing the
peace process.
- Somaliland Forum's response:
report states that President Guelleh called for the participation of
civil society and that warlords be charged with crimes against humanity.
But it does not say anything about who actually got invited to the Djibouti
conference. Far from the members of civil society being invited, the
President of Djibouti, invited former cronies, ministers, and military
officers of Siad Barre, the very people responsible for the ruin of
the ex-Somali Democratic Republic, and internationally known war criminals
such as Gen. Morgan and Gen. Gani. Other prominent Siad Barre officials
included: Ali Khalif Galyr, Abdiqasim Salad Hassan (Siad Barre's Minister
of the Interior, and current head of the Djibouti-created faction),
Gen. Omar Haji Massale, Hassan Abshir Farah, Mohamed Sheik Osman, Adan
Mohamed Ali, Ali Ugas, Gen. Gaani, Gen. Bile Rafle Guleed, Abdullahi
Ossoble Siyaad, Gen. Jama Mohamed Qalib, Osman Jama Ali (Kaluun), Gen.
Jiliow, Ali Mahdi Mohamed, Abdi Qaybdiid, Awaale, Abdirahman Tuur, Mohamed
Ali Jama, Abdullahi Addow, Farah Anshur, Darmaan: the important missing
person from the lineup was their previous leader---Father Siyad Barre,
as they used to call him. Here was indeed a farce being played on the
people of the ex-Somali Democratic Republic by the president of Djibouti
with UN support.
2 - An independent source said
BBC, Government-in-exile for Somalia?, Monday, 24
July, 2000, 18:39 GMT 19:39 UK
[a subtitle; underlining is ours] Late dictator Siad Barre: His followers
have made a comeback
A sizeable number of delegates at the conference and even prospective
presidential candidates were key figures in the former dictatorial regime
of the late Siad Barre.
report also says nothing about how the mistreatment handed to some innocent
people who actually went to Djibouti thinking that this was a free process
where they could talk and exchange information. In fact, While Guelleh's
friends were conniving with him, the rest of the people who went to
Djibouti were treated as virtual prisoners. And long before the final
results were announced to the world, it was a matter of common knowledge
to most Somalis who was going to be appointed president, and who a prime
fact that President Guelleh was selling to the UN a process less participatory
than even the previous 12 failed ones somehow never registered with
the UN. The report also forgets to mention that President Guelleh and
his invitees chose deliberately to dismiss the fact that the civil society
in Somaliland has already spoken and exercised its absolute rights as
guaranteed to us by the International Covenant on Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights as proclaimed in the Charter of the UN, and that the
people of Somaliland have built their own democratic institutions after
having first restored their sovereignty.
- The report says :
President Guelleh's address received positive reactions from Somalis
both within and outside the country. There were demonstrations in
a number of Somali towns and cities in support of his initiative.
Initial responses from Somali leaders were also positive. Mohamed
Ibrahim Egal of "Somaliland" welcomed the initiative. However,
the subsequent deterioration in the relationship between his administration
and Djibouti led to the former closing the border at the end of the
year. The dispute was resolved in January 2000. Mr. Egal subsequently
paid a visit to Djibouti and reaffirmed his support for the Djibouti
peace initiative.
- Somaliland Forum's response:
report mentions "positive reactions" from some Somalis but
does not specify where the "positive reactions" came from
or how much strong they were. In fact, most of the reactions were negative
and against the Djibouti initiative. Most Somalis saw the Djibouti initiative
as a thinly-disguised foreign interference and as geared towards an
agenda set up by a foreign country. The plan was outright rejected except
those whom President Guelleh had convinced he would help them attain
their goals; i.e., install them in power again.
- An independent source noted:
Nairobi, Aug 28, 2000
"The Abgal clansmen are meeting to discuss the modalities of
opposing Abdulkassim Salat Hassan's election," Abgal elder Abdullahi
Gheedi Shador told AFP....
"The whole exercise in Arta was manipulated by the Djibouti government
and we need to protest against it," the Abgal elder said.
The report mentions President Egal's visit to Djibouti but gives the
false impression that he endorsed the Djibouti plan or its outcome.
President Egal's visit had to do more with bilateral relations with
Djibouti than anything else; additionally, President Egal, and his country,
Somaliland, have stated time and again that they have nothing to do
with measures to reconcile the Somalia factions since they are not part
of Somalia proper and have already created their own democratic institutions.
the report gives the false impression that President Egal is the person
who can reverse the popular will in Somaliland and it equates the
Somaliland executive with the millions in Somaliland who have decided
to reclaim their sovereignty and step back from the disastrous union
with Somalia proper. The fact is when the people of Somaliland reached
the decision of reclaiming their independent status as the former
State of Somaliland which received independence from Britain in June
1960, Mr. Egal was not even in Somaliland. It was two years after
Somaliland's independence that he became president.
must be said if there is a country in the Horn of Africa where the popular
will is so strong as to make its firm print on the minds of its officials
it is surely Somaliland. The people of Somaliland fought the dictatorship
of Siad Barre for a decade and brought it to its knees long before the
popular revolt in Mogadishu pushed him out. The fact is what counts
in Somaliland is the will of the people. It is high time that the UN,
and especially the Secretary-General, should know that the will of the
people is more important than the will of an elected official.
- The report says:
5. Mr.
Egal told my Representative that the Djibouti initiative would provide
the "south" of Somalia with a leadership with which he could
- Somaliland Forum's response:
The wording here is questionable and shows the calculated misinformation
coming from the UN and the Secretary-General's office. First, There
is Somaliland and then there is Somalia proper. In June 1960, Somaliland
received its independence from Great Britain; Somalia received hers
in July, 1960, from Italy. The two independent countries then went into
a union which was never ratified in Somaliland; the new country was
called the Somali Republic; in 1969, dictator Siad Barre dubbed it the
Somali Democratic Republic. "Somalia" strictly refers therefore
to the ex-Italian Somalia and the more so now since Somaliland, to all
intents and purposes, has stepped out of the non-ratified union in 1991.
The "south of Somalia" that the report mentions is therefore
juridically a curious term. There is just Somaliland and Somalia, as
there are Eritrea and Ethiopia, now recognized by the UN as two legal
whether through its president, parliament, or media, has expressed that
it will cultivate friendly relations with Somalia proper if and when
a representative government is established in that country. No word
play can change that reality.
- The report says:
The first formal move to implement the Djibouti initiative was the
holding of the Technical Consultative Symposium, hosted by the Government
of Djibouti in March 2000. President Guelleh emphasized that the Symposium
was not a decision?making body but a means of providing advice to
the Government of Djibouti in its preparations for the conference.
The Symposium was attended by about 60 Somalis, invited in their individual
capacities, from all parts of the country and from the diaspora. My
Special Adviser, Mohamed Sahnoun, represented the United Nations.
- Somaliland Forum's response:
The report omits to say the "Technical Consultative
Symposium" was an invitation only list. President Guelleh's staff
prepared the list and invited the participants; thus, a closed list
handpicked by President Guelleh was painted as an independent advisory
committee. The 60 Somalis were chosen in their capacity to rubber-stamp
President Guelleh's agenda.
report also mentions the presence of Mohamed Sahnoun, a man respected
by Somalis for his warnings to the United Nations in 1993 which led
him to be sacked-while those who stayed behind at the UN, including
obviously Mr. Kofi Annan, and never spoke about the way the UN was mishandling
the Somali crisis in 1993, got promoted to even greater heights.
mention of Ambassador Sahnoun is meant to lend a veneer of credibility
to the Djibouti process. But the report omits that Mr. Sahnoun saw the
Djibouti process as flawed and distanced himself from it at an early
stage. In fact, Mr. Sahnoun, the UN Special Envoy for Africa, reportedly
clashed with President Guelleh over the way the latter was conducting
the preliminary proceedings. He advised against the strategy that was
adopted and the proposed "transitional authority," but President
Guelleh wanted to press ahead with his plans. One of the things that
made the ambassador particularly unhappy was the way peaceful and self-governing
Somaliland was being treated as one of the warring factions that needed
to be reconciled with each other. Mr. Sahnoun left early in the process,
and never came back to Djibouti. We can say he was right since what
President Guelleh produced in Djibouti is a replica of the Siad Barre
- The report says:
On 2 May 2000, the first phase of the Somali National Peace Conference,
a meeting of traditional and clan leaders, was formally opened in
the town of Arta, which is located
approximately 40 kilometres north of Djibouti. Participants included
elders from most of
Somalia's clans and from all parts of the country. The first phase
of the Conference concluded on 13 June. In addition to working on
reconciliation issues among the clans, the Conference
prepared for the second phase by drawing up an agenda and lists of
delegates representing clans. The delegates included political, business
and religious leaders, as well as representatives of civil society.
President Guelleh formally inaugurated the second phase on 15 June.
The total number of delegates was 810, made up of four delegations
of 180, each including 20 women, representing the four main clan families,
plus 90 minority alliance representatives, including 10 women. The
elders who had participated in the first phase of the Conference were
allowed to attend as members of delegations, but without a vote. On
17 June, delegates and traditional leaders unanimously elected as
co?chairmen a former mayor of Mogadishu and the then Secretary?General
of RRA. Four vice?chairpersons, including one woman, were also appointed.
- Somaliland Forum's response:
report speaks of "delegates"; but the more appropriate word
for the participants is "invitees"; in fact, not only were
people invited by name; they received telephone calls from President
Guelleh's staff as well as offers of rewards, free tickets and hotel
stays in Djibouti-i.e., an all charges paid vacation trip to balmy Djibouti
for Somalis in the West; subsequently, ordinary Somalis and Djiboutians
started calling the invitees "Guelleh's tourists.". In other
instances, people especially those in Somalia were promised cash payments
once they got to Djibouti. The assembled people were not therefore in
any sense an assembly of delegated persons who had received specific
mandates from their people.
Furthermore, the report speaks of "political, business and religious
leaders, as well as representatives of civil society." As has been
reported by independent sources, the most prominent politicians who
were participating were mostly the collaborators of dictator Siad Barre;
as for business and religious leaders, no single business person or
a religious leader well known to the public participated in the conferences;
as for civil society, it is strange that the word was even used in the
report. One may well ask: what associations and delegates of civil societies
took part? This is an abuse of the word. No doctors', engineers', livestock
breeders, or business delegates sent by their associations were there.
What is even
worse, and more condescending is that the reports speaks of "reconciliation
issues among clans." The whole Somalis crisis is hereby reduced
to a "tribal" or "clan" basis when in fact the
Somali crisis began as a people's revolt under a horrendous regime,
first with the people of Somaliland's liberation war against the Mogadishu
regime which continued for a decade from 1981 to 1991.
Somali case is not a simple case of one clan against the other. At its
heart, it is about the role of the state (centralist dictatorial state
vs. a federalist humane state) and the individual; it is also about
the process of democracy and federalism, as several regions and their
populations have clearly stated that they have no desire for a centralist
state that holds all the powers. It is additionally about war atrocities
committed by the very government that Mr. Hassan, the Djibouti-appointed
president, served for twenty years. Beyond these three points, there
is the case of Somaliland whose people by their own freewill decided,
after having survived massacres on the scale that happened in Bosnia,
to step back from the non-ratified union of 1960.
are the major issues but the report tries to imprint upon the reader
that the Somali crisis is about "cartoon head-hunting tribes"
who just do not know how to agree upon a president and a prime minister.
The fact that the report came from the office of an African secretary-general
does not make these simplistic assumptions any less offensive or damaging.
The Secretary-General should apologize for these reductionist views
of the Somali crisis.
is even more regrettable, the report forgets the fact Somalis are in
many ways
pioneering new approaches to state structures and governance in Africa.
As everybody knows, the centralist governance systems of Africa were
handed down from the colonial regimes who had depended on a system of
appointees and a total concentration of power into the hands of regional
governors and a governor-general, the equivalent of a president of a
republic in independent African countries. Before the advent of Europeans,
Somalis had systems of governance characterized by decentralization
and democratic principles; today, Somalis are trying to rediscover the
democratic culture and principles. They are also trying to blend their
indigenous democratic heritage into the structures of a modern state
and this has already happened in the example of the Republic of Somaliland.
It is also starting to happen in parts of Somalia proper through regional
governments elected by the people-an evident rejection of the despotic
system of governorships and centralization bequeathed to the African
state by departed colonials.
- The report says:
After deliberating in committee and plenary sessions for a month,
the delegates approved the Transitional National Charter for governance
in a transition phase of three years, culminating in elections. The
Charter provides for regional autonomy, based on the 18 regions that
existed at the end of the Siad Barre regime. It also sets out structures
for executive, legislative and judicial powers, as well as the rights
of individuals. These include, for the first time in Somali history,
a specific requirement that 25 seats in parliament be set aside for
women. A representation of
24 seats for minority clans was also agreed upon. The Charter will
be the supreme law until a definitive federal constitution for Somalia
is adopted at the end of the transition period. It also provides for
the election of a 225?person Transitional National Assembly.
- Somaliland Forum's response:
The report omits to say no tangible agreements were produced
and no reconciliations were adopted between the warring factions. For
example, the RRA and the Digil and Mirifle people of the Southwest region
have repeatedly stated their the lands occupied by the people of Mr.
Salat be vacated or negotiated before any meaningful political settlement
can be reached. In short, the main issues of the causes of the war and
its subsequent effects were not discussed. Regional federalism, as demanded
by the Digil and Mirifle, the regional state of Puntland, war crimes
and war tribunals, return of occupied lands and properties, and what
relations would a revived Somalia have with Somaliland, its previous
partner, were not discussed or agreed upon-and the reason that they
were not discussed is because the participants were the very people
who were the pillars of Siyad Barre's totalitarian regime.
- The report says:
In early August, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter
and on the basis of
nominations from clans, delegates selected the 225 members of the
Assembly. This proved to be an arduous process, since serious differences
emerged about the number of seats to be allotted to each clan. The
Somali National Peace Conference later gave President Guelleh the
right to use his own discretion to select a further 20 parliamentarians.
This was seen as a way of defusing tensions.
- Somaliland Forum's response:
The report omits the fact that President Guelleh, the president
of a foreign country, has no right to distribute any seats in the parliament
of another country. A "parliament" is a place where people
with a mandate sit to legislate not where persons appointed by a foreign
president sit. Therefore, the fact that President Guelleh personally
supervised the distribution of the seats of the so-called "Transitional
Assembly" invalidates it, and makes it the creation of a foreign
president. In other words, what the members of the so-called "Transitional
Assembly" have, is not a mandate from the Somalis but an illegitimate
assignment from President Guelleh of Djibouti.
According to eye-witness accounts, President Guelleh wanted to be able
to proclaim that all
the clans were represented. Hence, he started forcibly recruiting Somalis
for clan slots from the streets of Djibouti, his own capital, when he
could not ferry someone from a particular clan from elsewhere around
the globe. At one point, a well-known homeless drunkard who used to
reside in New York was recruited a "member of parliament"
with promises of a steady pay and a home in Mogadishu. The man obliged
and it seems both President Guelleh and the indigent man were happy
at the deal. The only reason why this man was recruited is that he was
a member of the Isaaqs of Somaliland. The aim was thus to be able to
proclaim that "members of every clan or group of people" were
represented in the "parliament". Thus, the token presence
of a homeless man was illegally used to hoodwink the world opinion that
the collective will of millions of Somalilanders was expressed at Djibouti.The
same ploy of alluring the indigent was used in many other cases; and
if it was not cash rewards, promises of a new power did the trick as
was obviously the case with Hassan Abshir, the man who lost the presidential
election in the Puntland Regional State. But it was not only President
Guelleh who was using the argument that "every clan was represented"-the
UN and its representatives picked it up to drum up support for President
Guelleh's initiative and for Mr. Hassan's "government," oblivious
to the embarrassing fact that the majority of Somalis do not back President
Guelleh's initiative or Mr. Hassan.
9 - The report says:
14. Those present included the Presidents of Djibouti, Eritrea,
the Sudan and Yemen and the Prime Minister of Ethiopia. In addition
to the diplomatic community accredited in Djibouti,
senior officials from France, Italy, Kenya, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
and Saudi Arabia, as well as senior representatives of the Organization
of African Unity, the League of Arab States and IGAD witnessed the inauguration.
My Representative read a message on my behalf.
- Somaliland Forum's response:
report omits to say that only two countries, besides Djibouti, have
since recognized Mr. Hassan's "government," namely Libya and
Sudan, two regimes whose mode of functioning needs no comment from us.
The governments the world around are wise not to confer any legitimacy
to a group whose territorial control is comprised of two hotels in Mogadishu
and who have no mandate whatsoever from the people of the ex-Somali
- The report says:
In an address to the delegates to the Somali National Peace Conference
on 28 August, Mr. Hassan called upon those with weapons to surrender
them and stated that his Government would provide rehabilitation for
former militiamen, some of whom would be incorporated into the new
Somali army. On 30 August, Mr. Hassan visited Mogadishu and Baidoa
together with members of the Transitional National Assembly and was
welcomed by large crowds.
- Somaliland Forum's response:
report omits the actual statement of Mr. Hassan and their implications.
Mr. Hassan's actual words were: "We will not kill the boys."
The "boys" refers supposedly to the militia men fighting in
Somalia and to the factions. It should be mentioned that the allusion
to the word "kill" is a chilling reminder of what brought
Somalia to its present situation at a time when Mr. Hassan was a minister
and a trusted friend of dictator Siad Barre. Back then, the solution
to the problems of democracy and legitimacy of representation was then
"kill and kill whoever questions you." Mr. Hassan seems to
be harking to some old ways and means that he has been familiar with
under his boss, dictator Siad Barre. This is not a simple slip of the
tongue but a revelation of the man that parades himself now in the front
of the UN as the president of Somalia.
The report also mentions that "large crowds" welcomed him
in Mogadishu and Baidoa. It omits to say who the crowds were and why.
Those who welcomed him in Mogadishu were from a group of people mustered
in advance by his supporters-it was not a spontaneous welcome; but even
at that, the number of people was vastly exaggerated to give the impression
of a popular welcome. The report also omits that the services of the
militias that welcomed Mr. Hassan were paid for by Djibouti and a few
friends of Mr. Hassan who oversaw the renting of technicals (armed vehicles)
from Mogadishu's militias, as well as the presence of the armed militias
themselves. The militias, of course, welcomed this unexpected bounty.
Later, more freelance militias were hired and promised more money. It
is these hired freelancers and Mr. Hassan's clan relatives that were
subsequently presented to the world as militias being disarmed. The
truth is the city of Mogadishu is still as divided as it was before.
Moreover, the fragile balance in the relative strengths of the Mogadishu
factions has been disturbed since the arrival of Mr. Hassan.
10 - An independent source noted:
The Indian Ocean Newsletter, "Djibouti/somalia
: Boreh Is a Happy Man," No. 917 ? 16/09/2000.
The new president's recent lightning visit to Mogadiscio cost 4 billion
Somali shillings (local warlords rented out the technicals assuring
his security at between $1,000 and $1,500 each), expenses which were
paid thanks to the arrival of spanking new Somali bank notes (between
23 billion and 25 billion Somali shillings) printed in Great Britain
and delivered to Somali traders, including Deilaf, at the beginning
of August (US$1 = 10,000 Somali shillings).
report also mentions Mr. Hassan's brief visit to Baidoa but omits the
fact that the people of Baidoa, the Digil and the Mirifle of the Southwest,
have broken with Mr. Hassan after realizing that he was committed to
reestablishing the Barre regime, and that he was not interested in the
federalist question or in the settlement of the land question. The Digil
and Mirifle have since established their own autonomous region. At this
moment, Mr. Hassan is neither welcome nor capable of going to the city
of Baidoa, which was previously touted as a temporary capital for his
- The report says:
Mr. Hassan proceeded to Cairo, where he addressed the ministerial
meeting of the League of Arab States and met with Egyptian officials.
He then flew to New York and participated in both the Millennium Summit
and the general debate of the General Assembly. Mr. Hassan, or his
Prime Minister, has since visited the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Yemen,
Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda. Mr. Hassan also participated in the summit
meeting of the League of Arab States, held at Cairo on 21 and 22 October,
and the summit conference of the Organization of the Islamic Conference,
held at Doha from 12 to 14 November 2000.
17. At the IGAD summit meeting, held at Khartoum on 23 and 24 November,
Mr. Hassan was the first Somali leader since 1991 to be re?admitted
to the seat of Somalia in the organization. The acceptance of the
Transitional National Government by Somalia's immediate neighbours
represents an important development in the country's return to the
community of nations.
- Somaliland Forum's response:
The report
mentions a long list of Mr. Hassan's visits abroad but fails to mention
that legitimacy is conferred by the people that one represents and that
Mr. Hassan is scouring the outside world in search of legitimacy instead
of trying to bring peace to his own region in Somalia, and in particular
to Mogadishu. The report also omits to give the reasons for Mr. Hassan's
far-flung visits which was to look for funds to hire an army and acquire
a territory so he could show the world that he has some territorial
control. It should also be mentioned that the UN and the Secretary-General
have, as is evident from this report, recognized Mr. Hassan and his
associates as the "government" of both Somalia and independent
Somaliland. This is, therefore, the first time that a foreign-appointed
government, which was unlawfully instituted in exile by a foreign country,
has been extended recognition by the UN!
- The report says:
8. On 8 October, Mr. Hassan announced the appointment of
Ali Khalif Galaydh as Prime Minister. Soon thereafter, Mr. Galaydh
named Ismail Mohamed Hurreh "Buba" as Minister for Foreign
Affairs.... A week later, the Prime Minister announced the appointment
of 45 assistant ministers, 5 ministers of state and the Governor of
the Benadir region (Greater Mogadishu).
12 - Somaliland Forum's response:
The reports omits to say that the only reasons for the naming of these
men were to undermine Somaliland since both of them were from Somaliland
in the hope their presence would somehow legitimatize Mr. Hassan's government
and de-legitimatize the elected government, and parliament of Somaliland.
It also purposefully omits to say that Ali Khalif Galaydh has been accused
of one of the largest public fund heists in Somali history and there
are questions over the seed money for his businesses. Additionally,
the report omits the business relations that tie Mr. Galaydh, Mr. Hassan
and Mr. Boreh of Djibouti, and ultimately Mr. Guelleh. Dreams of new
found wealth on the backs of poor Somalis seem to be the common link
between these gentlemen.
- An independent source stated:
Agence France-Presse, Somalia's new PM a former minister, businessman,
Mon, 9 Oct 2000 8:20:24 PDT
Accusations of wrongdoing still hang in the air about his involvement
in a sugar factory scam in the early 1980s, an issue over which he
has promised to accept accountability.
Galaydh currently heads Somtel, a Dubai-based telecommunications company.
- Another independent source noted:
Indian Ocean Newsletter, "Djibouti/somalia : Boreh Is a Happy Man,"
No. 917 ? 16/09/2000.
This is all the more so since the man tipped as the probable next prime
minister of Somalia, Ali Khalif Galyr, is associated with Boreh in the
Somtel telephone company based in Dubai and working in several Somali
Boreh is also associated, notably for food imports into Somalia (ION
871), with Somali businessman Mohamed Deilaf, a cousin and partisan
of Abdi Qassem Salad Hassan, and principal shareholder in the new television
station Horn Afrik. This station retransmitted Somali language programmes
of Radio Television Djibouti (RTD, government) from Mogadiscio during
the Arta conference, thus contributing to making decisions better known.
report also omits to say that the appointment of a governor for Mogadishu
was meaningless since the capital is controlled by different factions.
Additionally, governor appointments are a chilling reminder of the Barre
regime and its centralist philosophy of appointing governors for all
regions. This is not want the Somalis want today-they want regional
and local empowerment and the ability to elect their own local officials.
It all shows that Mr. Hassan is a man mired in the past and without
a vision.
- The report says:
19. Mr. Hassan is giving priority to the security situation
in Mogadishu. A security committee has been established. Demobilization
and disarmament of the various militias is reportedly taking place.
A police force is being established and is being financed, for the
time being, by contributions from Somali businessmen. On 17 October,
Mr. Hassan appointed the Chairman of the National Demobilization Authority,
who was killed the next day by gunmen allegedly associated with one
of the warlords opposed to the Transitional National Government.
- Somaliland Forum's response:
The report omits to say that Mr. Hassan is trying to lease freelance
militias or buy out militiamen from his own ethnic/clan group-the Haber
Gidr; the word demobilisation is therefore inappropriate here. In fact,
fears of a new warlord and a new faction with more money from international
sources, such as the misguided UN bureaucracy, have sent all the factions
rearming not only in Mogadishu but throughout Somalia. The price of
guns and ammunition is up while food commodities have become scarcer.
Even if Mr. Hassan succeeds in attracting the militiamen that serve
under Aidid junior or under Osman Atto, it would not amount to much
a change in the Mogadishu scene-ethnically, the three men are from the
same community, the Haber Gidr, and the same though fragmented faction;
this leaves out the other factions of Mogadishu. In short, gaining the
command of a fragment of Gen. Aidid's militias in Mogadishu, as Mr.
Hassan is trying is to do, would not therefore change the grander equation
of Mogadishu factions since that would mean only a change in the name
of the man who commands a particular militia group, namely the same
militia that Gen. Aidid used to command in Mogadishu, when Mr. Hassan
was his advisor, and was technically in the fight against the UN and
US forces in Mogadishu in the early 90s at a time when the Secretary-General
was responsible for the UN's peace operations.
13 - An independent source has said:
Rosalind Russell, Hope for Somalia after a decade of chaos.
(Nairobi) 1 September, 2000 (Reuters).
The new government also has the support of Mogadishu's Islamic courts,
which with funding from Mogadishu's business community, have their own
militia which already serve as an unofficial police force.
13 - Another independent source has
African Church Information Service, Demobilisation Plans
On in Preparation for New Start, October 16, 2000.
Critics in Mogadishu, however, do not agree with Galal. Sources in Mogadishu
complained that it was "wrong" of the commission to concentrate
primarily on encamping militias who have been working for the business
community and the Islamic Courts - both strong supporters of the new
interim president.
A business source said the Committee should be "going after the
warlord militias and those of freelance clans, not the government's
base support".
- The reports says:
Following the call by Mr. Hassan for interested entities to assist
in reconciling the
Transitional National Government with those who had stayed away from
the peace process, the Government of Italy sent envoys to consult
with the leaders of "Somaliland" and "Puntland".
They have reported their findings to Mr. Hassan in Mogadishu. President
Ali Abdallah Saleh of Yemen has twice received some of the faction
leaders from Mogadishu. From 18 to 22 November, Mr. Hassan was in
Yemen. In late November, Mr. Hassan visited the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
Reports indicated that the Libyan leader offered to assist in the
reconciliation process.
- Somaliland Forum's response:
report gives a false impression of Mr. Hassan being engaged in "the
peace process" and the other parties as being outside "the
peace process." For one thing, Somaliland is one of the most peaceful
areas in all of Africa and is not at war with anyone. The Puntland region
of Somalia has also established its peace and regional structures. The
real issue is whether Mr. Hassan has any mandate from anyone. It has
already been said again and again, even by the UN, that peace in Somalia
proper needs to be first regionally achieved before a national reconciliation
of peaceful areas can happen. The question is then can Mr. Hassan unite
and reconcile the factions of the capital in his own region, let alone
faraway regions?
14 - An independent source wrote:
Agence France-Presse, New Somali prime minister will face
mixed welcome on return. Mon, 9 Oct 2000 7:30:17, PDT.
Two other Mogadishu warlords, Musa Sudi Yalahow and Osman Hassan Ali
"Atto", have also said Galaydh would not be welcome in their
"Salat can not unify Mogadishu let alone Somalia. I do not recognize
Salat and hence he has no legality to appoint a prime minister,"
Yalhow told AFP in Mogadishu.
15 - The report says:
21. In early February, subsequent to Mohamed Ibrahim Egal's
endorsement of the Djibouti initiative (subsequently known as the Arta
peace process) and after he had visited President Guelleh on 28 January,
60 "Somaliland" parliamentarians denounced the initiative
and reportedly passed a law declaring that any "Somalilander"
attending the Conference would be considered a traitor and liable to
the death penalty. Two "Somalilanders" were imprisoned in
Hargeisa after visiting Djibouti. On 28 August, the Egal administration
issued a decree giving sweeping powers to a "national" security
committee empowered, inter alia, to suspend habeas corpus and ban public
demonstrations. On 17 September, a court in Berbera sentenced a senior
traditional leader of the Dulbahante clan from the Sool region to seven
years in prison for attending the Arta Conference. The leader was subsequently
pardoned by Mr. Egal. A representative of the United Nations High Commissioner
for Human Rights was present at the trial. In similar fashion, Mr. Egal
detained Sultan Abdul Kadir and five others who had participated in
the Arta Conference and, on 19 November, pardoned them as well.
15 - Somaliland Forum's response:
Again the report tries to get some mileage out of
President Egal of Somaliland's visit to Djibouti, but omits to say
that Somaliland's objective was to help with the reconciliation of
Somalia factions. To this end, Somaliland even presented a plan to
hold a conference in Hargeisa, Somaliland's capital, for the Somalia
factions, before President Guelleh of Djibouti borrowed the idea for
his own political ends. The report also omits to state that Somaliland
and its president stated many times to the UN, and to the Secretary-General,
in particular, that Somaliland is not Somalia and vice-versa, and
that the Somali Republic of 1960 has reverted to its constituent republics:
Somalia and Somaliland. Specifically, the Secretary-General should
have mentioned President's Egal letter to him which partly read as
On several
occasions in the past, my Government has endeavoured to bring the
political and security concerns of Somaliland to the attention of
the Security Council either through direct representations to the
Secretary General of the United Nations and his senior staff, or through
the international media. Unfortunately, we have had little success.
We as a state consisting of three and half million inhabitants, consider
that the moral imperatives of the United Nations Charter enjoin you
to give the Republic of Somaliland a fair and just hearing for its
case which fall within your Council's exclusive jurisdiction.Somaliland's
case is clear and straightforward. It involves the political and human
rights of its people, and in particular their inalienable right of
self determination. Somaliland achieved its political independence
on June 26, 1960. On July 1, 1960, it joined the former trust territory
of Italian Somalia as equal partners to form the new state of the
Somali Republic. Contrary to our high hopes and aspirations, the political
union turned into a nightmare....
The Republic of Somaliland initially supported the Djibouti conference
in the belief that it would be a conference only for the people of
Somalia. From the very beginning when the idea of a conference was
first mooted, Somaliland made it crystal clear not only to the sponsors
of the proposal but also to members of IGAD and its partners, as well
as to the United Nations Secretariat, that Somaliland would neither
participate in the conference nor be bound by any of its decisions.
However, we did make it known that in the event that the deliberations
of the conference led eventually to the emergence of a government
that was acceptable to the people of Somalia; we would be prepared
to sit with the representatives of that entity in order to discuss
the future relationships between the two sides....
Egal's letter to the Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, REF: MFA/M/17/1464/2000
DATE: 7/9/2000)
Somaliland also made its stand clear in a press release on the 27th
of August, 2000, on the issue of the appointment of Mr. Hassan:
On Saturday,
26 August 2000, the so called "Transitional National Assembly"
members in Arta, Republic of Djibouti, appointed a man to become what
they call the "next president of Somalia". The man appointed
at Arta himself claimed that he will be a president for "the
former Italian territory of Somalia" and Somaliland.
As the people
and the Government of Somaliland have stated clearly before, and since
Somaliland did not take part in this exercise nor has been represented
in any capacity, government or civilian, the appointment does not
concern Somaliland. The position of Somaliland Republic has been all
along that the conference at Djibouti deal with the issue of peace
and reconciliation in "the former Italian territory of Somalia"
and not concern Somaliland. Our hopes were that a government representing
"the former Italian territory of Somalia" alone with a broad
support will be formed, after which Somaliland and "the former
Italian territory of Somalia" should have discussions about their
future relationship.
Press release from the Presidency of the Republic of Somaliland, 27
August, 2000.
the report speaks of people brought to trial in Somaliland for participating
in the Djibouti process but forgets to mention that there was in Djibouti
a process led by a president hostile to the interests of Somaliland;
it should be mentioned that even agent-provocateurs were smuggled into
Somaliland from Djibouti. Subsequently, a bomb was exploded in Hargeisa
to create fear and confusion among the people and also to imprint on
the world opinion that even Somaliland was not peaceful and somehow
needed the Djibouti process to attain peace. These events led the Parliament
of Somaliland to take steps to defend the sovereignty and stability
of Somaliland. It, therefore, instituted a ban on citizens of Somaliland
to partake in the Djibouti process. The ban itself was no more severe
than those faced by citizens of the United States when they travel to
places where there is a travel and commercial ban on US citizens. Upon
their return, the participants were accordingly indicted, but given
a due process of law. The report also omits to say the UN commissioner
for human rights stated that a fair process prevailed and that no one
was deprived of their rights or mistreated in any way.
The report
forgets also to state President Egal's emergency measure was repealed
by the Somaliland parliamentarians. The Somaliland parliament is thus
not the same as the executive branch, but has real powers, unlike
those of many countries with UN seats.
- The report says:
Djibouti sent a delegation to "Somaliland" on 14 April to
brief Mr. Egal and seek his participation, but the delegation was not
allowed to disembark at Hargeisa airport. Reacting to the election of
Mr. Hassan as President, Mr. Egal stated that he would enter into negotiations
only with someone who could claim legitimacy over the southern regions
of Somalia.
16 - Somaliland Forum's response:
The report omits to say that the Djibouti delegation came in uninvited
and without warning into Somaliland. The way the Djibouti delegation
came in was an affront to the sovereignty of the people of Somaliland:
Somaliland is an independent country and diplomatic delegations are
required to have existing arrangements with Somaliland authorities before
they can fly into the country. In fact, Somaliland was within its rights
to prosecute the members of the so-called "delegation" for
illegally entering the country; but, as a gesture of good neighborliness,
Somaliland authorities asked them to simply return and to contact later
the relevant Somaliland authorities on subjects of further interest
to them.
The report
also omits to say that, in a gesture of pure and unbridled revenge,
the President of Djibouti, Mr. Guelleh, expelled the Somaliland Representative
in Djibouti and closed the Somaliland legation in the most unceremonious
and insulting way he could-Somaliland had at that time two bureaus:
one in Djibouti and one in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Without warning
the Somaliland Representative, Mr. Omar, his wife and children, as
well as other employees of the Somaliland Bureau, were taken out of
their homes at gun-point with the only clothes they had on, and dumped
in the desert no-man's land that separates the two countries. President
Guelleh later admitted on the Somali Service of the BBC that he did
that as a revenge for the Djibouti delegation that was returned. Indeed,
here came to light the more undiplomatic side of President Guelleh
in dealing with his neighbors.
President Guelleh
also took other punitive measures against Somaliland such as closing
the common border their side and massing troops on the border. The
government of Djibouti also banned all private newspapers coming in
from Somaliland, especially the independent Somali language daily,
Jamhuuriya, as they were popular in Djibouti and could be understood
by the local people most of whom are not able to read the Djibouti
government's own French language paper, La nation, which at that time
was the only paper published in Djibouti in any language. This fact
was duly noted and protested by international organizations that promote
the freedom of the press in the world. One of the them, Index on Censure,
dubbed the Republic of Djibouti as "the one-paper state"-See
Index on Censure,
"The One-paper
government of Djibouti did not accuse Somaliland newspapers of any crime.
So the sole aim of banning independent and private newspapers from Somaliland
was to keep the Djibouti public as well as the Somali participants in
Djibouti in the dark about the true intentions of the Djibouti government,
and the way President Guelleh was shepherding the participants into
the conclusions he had already envisaged. President Guelleh was thus
practicing censorship and dictatorial measures by curtailing the freedom
of the press and speech. Of course, the report omits all of that, omissions
being its hallmark.
- The report says:
On 1 September and 3 December 1999 and 24 April 2000, the Under?Secretary?General
for Political Affairs convened ambassadorial meetings of external
actors on Somalia
in New York. The representative of the Government of Djibouti briefed
the meetings on the Somali National Peace Conference. The ambassadors
who spoke at the meeting generally
supported the efforts of Djibouti and called upon others to do the
- Somaliland Forum's response:
The report omits to state that no chance was given to those
opposed to the Djibouti intervention in the Somali crisis, and to the
UN's one-sided treatment of the issues, to give their views. The government
of Djibouti has been acting at the UN as the legal custodian of the
affairs of the ex-Somali Republic. It never transpired to the UN staff
that Djibouti is a foreign government with regional interests, and it
was trying to influence the outcome in a way that would benefits its
Already, as an example, Mr. Boreh, a relative and confidant of President
Guelleh, and reputedly the richest man in Djibouti, has been promised
reconstruction contracts, ostensibly to be paid for by the international
community, by Mr. Hassan as a reward for the help he had received from
President Guelleh. In fact, Mr. Hassan was in a state of total obscurity,
laying low after the fall of the Barre regime in which he was a life-time
minister, when he was introduced to President Guelleh by Mr. Boreh.
Mr. Hassan himself has reportedly made quite some money in the millions
of dollars when he a minister in the Barre dictatorship and surely knows
how to make deals with shadowy businessmen; hence the linkup with the
Mr. Boreh and Mr. Guelleh, two men whose interests in Somali affairs
runs deeper than neighborly altruism.
- An independent source stated:
Indian Ocean Newsletter, Somalia : Making Do and Mending, No. 912 -
He [Mr. Hassan] has support from his sub-clan's businesmen, who are
also some of the principal interlocutors of Djibouti businessman Abdurahman
Boreh, close to head of state Ismail Omar Gelleh.
17 - The same independent source
also noted:
The Indian Ocean Newsletter, Djibouti/somalia : Boreh
Is a Happy Man, No.917 - 16/09/00
The Arta (Djibouti) conference's recent nomination of a president of
Somalia (Abdi Qassem Salad Hassan) and of a transition parliament offers
new trade prospects in Somalia for Djibouti businessman Abdurahman Boreh,
who is close to Djibouti head of state Ismail Omar Gelleh. Boreh boasted
privately in Djibouti that his construction company is believed to have
very good chances of being awarded the future contracts for rehabilitating
Somali infrastructures if the situation in the country becomes normal
This is all the more so since the man tipped as the probable next prime
minister of Somalia, Ali Khalif Galyr, is associated with Boreh in the
Somtel telephone company based in Dubai and working in several Somali
- The report says:
UNPOS has continued to monitor the political situation in Somalia
and to encourage Somali leaders and the international community to
work together to restore peace in the
country. At my request, my Representative travelled to Djibouti on
1 February 2000 to assist and support the Djibouti efforts. He remained
there until the conclusion of the process. Colleagues from the United
Nations Somalia team, including the Resident and
Humanitarian Coordinator and the Human Rights Officer, joined the UNPOS
from time to time throughout the process.
- Somaliland Forum's response:
United Nation's Political Office (UNPOS) is an incongruous office being
the only one of its kind. It was bequeathed to the current Secretary-General
by the previous Secretary-General, Mr. Boutros-Boutros Ghali, whose
errors of judgment in the Somali crisis were partly responsible for
the UN fiasco in Somalia. UNPOS is not a humanitarian office. It has
become a bureaucracy in its own right, and to justify its existence
and payroll it has kept its fingers engaged in inventing reports and
situations about the Somali crisis. It is high time that the donor nations
of the UN stop paying for the expenses of this office in Nairobi that
has already sustained the careers and the lifestyles of a large of UN
bureaucrats for almost a decade with very little benefit accruing to
the Somali populations.
The report omits to say that the Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator,
Mr. Randolph Kent, who operates out of Nairobi, has established himself
as a proconsul, and has termed his organization and his role a "caretaker
government" ready to put their expertise and funds at the hands
of the Djibouti-appointed government. Through his biased zeal to treat
Mr. Hassan and his faction as the legal government of not only Somalia
proper but also of Somaliland, Mr. Kent has made bankrupt the notions
of humanitarian work and non-partisanship; by promoting the Djibouti-appointed
faction, he has squandered the last shreds of credibility the UN had
in the eyes of Somalis.
It is important to note, as the reports omits it, that the President
of Somaliland, Mr. Egal, has pointed out to Mr. Kent to desist from
promoting the Arta faction and Mr. Hassan as a legal entity with a mandate
over Somalia and Somaliland. President Egal stated:
I am following through the Internet your effort to secure for Abdulqasim
and his group International support and credibility. Once before the
UN had through UNSOM, supported an untried and unrepresentative faction
which had ultimately became the UN''s nemesis. It is my considered opinion
that you are, by your activities, repeating an awful chapter of Somalia''s
history. It is not yet clear to me whether the motive behind your crusade
is innocent through misguided or whether it is an attempt to resurrect
the money spinning project of UNSOM. ...
There are several major problems which must be settled constructively
if future civil conflict is to be avoided. The one that particularly
concerns me and Somaliland is Mr. Abdulqasim''s claim that he is the
President of Somalia which includes Somaliland. We reject that claim
totally and without reservation. If therefore Abdulqasim acquires support
and credibility from the International Community through your crusade,
then you are sowing the seeds of a civil war.
We ask both you and Secretariat to take an objective view of the realities
of the Somali problem. The orchestrated hysteria from Djibouti is based
on malice towards Somaliland and narrow minded bias in favour of the
men of the former dictator Mohamed Siad Barre. To give such a scheme
the UN''s stamp of approval without question or correction, would be
a sin against the very nature of the united nation''s charter.
President's Letter to the UN Resident, Mr. Randolph Kent, REF: JSL/M/UN017/1100,
4 November 2000
18 - An independent source wrote:
Bernhard Helander, "Peace in Somalia Now?",
American Diplomacy, Vol. V, No. 4, Fall 2000
[T]he UN aid coordinator, Randolph Kent, promptly pledged that the new
government (although there was not yet one appointed) was going to have
a tremendous impact on the work of aid organizations.
When it comes to political questions and sovereign will, the report
and the UN forget to mention that it belongs to the peoples of the ex-Somali
republic to dispose their collective will as they wish and that it behooves
international bureaucrats to provide humanitarian assistance and desist
from political interventionism. However, the truth about the UN Somalia
office comes out amply when you visit their official internet site.
Under the "political" heading, they have lots of projects
and calls for more funding from donor nations for "support staff"
and "consultants"; but under the heading of "education,"
the only thing they could mention was the establishment of universities
in Somaliland, namely the University of Hargeisa and the University
of Amoud, both entirely built without a dime from the UN! Of course,
all the time when the people of Somaliland were building these two universities
and other institutions, the UN bureaucracy was working hard to undermine
their hard-won liberty and sovereignty. They have also rebuilt hospitals
and schools; in fact, they have rebuilt their towns destroyed by the
artillery, and bombers of the Barre regime in which Mr. Hassan was the
interior minister, all, of course, without any tangible outside aid.
should also be mentioned that consultants and bureaucrat of the UN Somalia
office have been seen in Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland, paying
government clerks into giving official statistics and data so they put
them in their "Somalia" reports and able to proclaim that
under their concerted efforts progress is being made!
The usefulness of the UN's political office and its huge Nairobi bureaucracy,
under the names of the UNDP Somalia office and UNPOS, needs to be evaluated.
Almost a decade ago, Ambassador Sahnoun, gave a judgment which still
stands, and pointed out which UN agencies that really help Somalis and
which ones do not work:
... Sahnoun got in trouble for acknowledging the UN's mistakes. In one
of his first interviews, Sahnoun told the New York Times, "If a
friend had $100,000 and wanted to give it to Somalia, I would advise
$50,000 to the International Committee of the Red Cross, $25,000 to
Save the Children, and $25,000 to UNICEF." Ray Bonner, "How
the United Nations turned its back on Somalia and subverted the best
chance for peace," MotherJones (magazine), March 1993.
- The report says:
34. The security situation in north?western and north?eastern
Somalia remains relatively calm, with occasional incidents of banditry
and other criminal acts.
- Somaliland Forum's response:
The "north-west" is UN-speak for Somaliland. However,
the above statement is far from the truth-it is a huge understatement.
Somaliland is not only stable but also safe-its capital, Hargeisa and
most of its towns are far safer than Accra in Ghana, the current Secretary-General's
home country. It is incredible that the report speaks of "occasional
... criminal acts." Is there a country in this world where "occasional
... criminal acts" do not occur! The way this statement is written
is to impress on the reader that the insecurity and lack of peace and
government that exist in Somalia extend somehow to Somaliland. However,
independent journalists have made some of the following statements which
directly contradict the image the report is depicting. In many ways,
in economic management as well in the building of institutions and democracy,
Somaliland, with its blend of traditional and Western systems, is a
model for all of Africa.
19 - Independent sources have
Gerard Prunier, Somaliland Goes it Alone, Current
History, May 1998, P.225-28.
On a continent where success stories are rare, Somaliland's modest progress
deserves a better response than the international cold shoulder it has
received so far. This is especially true because its brand of peacemaking
is real, grounded in the cultural traditions of its people and not in
the benevolent but ill-informed efforts of foreigners.
Karin Davies, Somaliland: Breakaway Republic Struggles for Recognition,
April 8, 1996, Associated Press.
Somaliland has a national anthem, a flag, an army, a police force, its
own currency. Even better, it has relative peace, while the rest of
Somalia is still wracked by clan warfare.
What the self-declared Republic of Somaliland - a Pennsylvania- size
patch of parched plains in northern Somalia - doesn't have is international
Peter Biles, Somaliland: Building Peace amid the Rubble of an African
Civil War, the Guardian (London), 31 October, 1991), P.8.
The peace and stability which has been restored in Somaliland, formerly
northern Somalia, contrasts starkly with the anarchy in the rest of
Somalia. People in the north are determined to rebuild their devastated
Al-Khaleej [Newspaper], September 17, 1998, Pg.1
The visitor to the Republic of Somaliland may not believe what his eyes
can see, and may even be astounded to realize that the city of Hargeisa,
the Capital of Somaliland, is part of the Somalia that was destroyed
and which had suffered all the demolition and destruction! Indeed, the
city of Hargeisa is jam-packed with the newest car models that you hardly
see in any of the neighboring capitals in the Horn of Africa. Hargeisa
may even be the only city of the Horn of Africa in which its markets
display hard currencies side-by-side with gold and jewelry that mobile
merchants move about without the least fear.
In Hargeisa's large market, the visitor finds anything he wants, and
the price of merchandise in the markets of Somaliland are much lower
compared to cost of similar things in neighboring countries. The minimal
duties levied by the port of Berbera had encouraged Somaliland merchants
to extend their commercial activities all the way to Kenya, Ethiopia
and Djibouti. Mohamed Ibrahim Egal, the President of Somaliland told
Al-Khaleej that the Government of Somaliland followed a laissez-faire
economic policy from the date it came to power and it transferred all
public sector institutions to the private sector. He added that 'privatization'
policies that some governments in the region talk about was executed
by Somaliland before anyone else, and Somaliland succeeded in transferring
all institutions such as electricity, communications - including wireless,
to the private sector.
20 - The
report says:
Following the fist-ever recorded outbreak of Rift Valley fever in the
Middle East, the imposition of an embargo on the importation of livestock
from the Horn of Africa was announced by the Government of Saudi Arabia
on 19 September. All other countries on the Arabian peninsula followed
the Saudi initiative banning the importation of both live animals and
processed meat.
20 - Somaliland Forum's response:
While the report speaks of the ban placed on livestock
from the Horn by the Arabian countries as well as the discovery of rift-valley
fever in these countries, it omits to say no occurrences of the Rift
Valley Fever in animals or humans has even been recorded in Somalia,
Somaliland, and Ethiopia which count for the bulk of the animal exports
of the Horn. It omits also to say no deaths have occurred in the Horn
and that the livestock-rearing areas of the Horn are dry lands that
had been facing a drought for two consecutive years, which makes the
possibility of Rift Valley Fever occurring in these desert environments
as likely as yellow-fever in the sands of the desert. Additionally,
the report never mentions that Somalis eat much meat, especially lamb,
and if there were a disease that was carried by the Somali sheep, thousands
would have died.
The report also omits that irresponsible reporting by UN staffers have
led before to the banning of livestock exports to the Arabian countries-the
UN workers were looking to raise about a few million dollars for flood
victims in Kenya and in the riverine parts of Somalia in 1998, when
they falsely stated the presence of Rift Valley Fever in the Horn; their
actions led to an embargo which deprived the populations of the Horn
of exports worth at least half a billion dollars all for the sake of
financing of a few million dollars of donations, which are usually spent
on overhead costs for the UN bureaucracy. The UN should have paid the
populations of the Horn for the economic damages that accrued from the
false reporting and scare-tactics, all in the name of raising few millions
that go into salaries and other overhead costs.
21 - The report says:
32. The independent expert has also raised the question of
killing in "Somaliland" of an army officer, allegedly for
opposing the forcible deportation of Majerten leaders who had wished
to travel Arta.
21 - Somaliland Forum's response:
The only thing that is correct in the above paragraph
is that a murder did take place. The person who was killed was the commander
of Somaliland's Presidential Guards, Col. Osman Farah Mohammed. He was
murdered in the presidential palace by a disgruntled security guard,
Mr. Abdillahi Omer Hersi whom he had fined the day before for breaking
security regulations. Mr Annan's so-called "independent expert"
seized on this unfortunate incident to portray Somaliland as a politically
unstable place. This independent expert is not the only one in the UN
bureaucracy who tried to give a political dimension to this murder.
IRIN, one of the UN's news organizations did the same. Somaliland's
population have been aware for some time now, thanks to their own local
independent media, of the false and absurd spin IRIN had given to Col.
Osman Farah Mohammed's murder. But it has come as a shock to them that
the UN Secretary General himself had submitted a report, to the UN Security
Council, which was saying the same thing as IRIN.
Somaliland's independent English Weekly, The Republican, wrote (Jan.6,
"It is not yet known why the UN wanted to establish some connection
between the killing of Col. Osman F. Mohammed and the Arta conference.
But the allegation mentioned in Annan's report to the Security Council
has apparently angered the Somaliland government and people."
In the same issue of the Republican, Somaliland's Foreign Minister,
Mr. Mahmud Saleh Nur said:
"We have every respect for the Security Council but we hold [David]
Stephen as responsible for feeding UN senior officials with wrong information
that lead to misunderstanding between Somaliland and the UN system."
22 - The Report says:
55. The Transitional National Government is now located
in Mogadishu. It has begun the process of establishing itself on Somali
soil and expanding the areas under its influence.
22 - Somaliland Forum's response:
The report omits to say that the so-called "Transitional
National Government" and its president, Mr. Hassan, are practically
without a country. Their territorial control is limited to two hotels
in Mogadishu where they meet, eat and sleep, all the while surrounded
by barbed wire and hundreds of armed militias recruited from Mr. Hassan's
clan or from freelance militia. Without doubt, Mr. Hassan is waiting
for more international funds so he could expand his territory at the
price of more Somali blood. Mr. Hassan is a man who believes, only if
he can have more funds, he can exercise more influence by buying out
some of the militia factions, and then by conquering and massacring
the others. We appeal to sensible world leaders not to provide assistance
to a new warlord in Mogadishu.
23 - The report says:
57. The absence of some Somali politicians and leaders from
the Djibouti process has posed two immediate challenges for the new
23 - Somaliland Forum's response:
The above statement is more than an understatement; it is
a deliberate attempt to impress on the world opinion that Mr. Hassan's
UN-supported faction has a following in Somalia. In Somalia proper itself,
all the major political and factional groups oppose it. As for Somaliland,
it is altogether a different country. If anything, the Arta conference
was the least attended, since it was boycotted by all the major factions.
Even the RRA, an organization that represents the Digil and Mirifle
people of the South-West, seeing the turn of events in Djibouti, pulled
out their support from the conference; they were interested in the construction
of a federal state, not another replica of the centralized government
that was used as an instrument of oppression by Barre. The conference
was also boycotted by the Puntland State of Somalia, which has already
developed all the structures, and internal stability that would allow
it to function in a federal type of government. Worst of all, the Arta
conference and as well as its outcome in the form of the so-called "assembly"
and president, Mr. Hassan, have made an illegitimate claim on the territory,
sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Somaliland.
24 - The report says:
63. I stand ready to prepare a proposal for a peace-building
mission for Somalia. A key function of such a mission, would I expect
to be based inside Somalia, would be to assist in the completion of
the peace process.
24 - Somaliland Forum's response:
Before a mission can be launched there needs to be a reconciliation,
and the Somali parties have to come to an understanding on major issues
such as:
1. Federal structures;
2. War crimes; disputed properties and land;
3. The breakup of the Somali Republic into its constituents of 1960-Somaliland
and Somalia.
if Mr. Annan is talking about the Arta faction's so-called "government"
as a done deal, he is ignoring the facts on the ground and all the above
crucial issues. It is accurate to say about 98% of the population is
against the Arta faction. It is also accurate to also that by supporting
this Arta faction, the UN is clearly acting against the wishes of the
majority of Somalis. This is not the first time that the UN wantonly
disregards the views and interests of the majority of Somalis, and tries
to decide their fate for them. Catastrophic results ensued from those
earlier attempts by the UN to impose its will, or that of its surrogates,
on Somalis. There is ample evidence that the results will not be any
less disastrous this time.
In the end, the Secretary-General suggested nothing concrete. The problems
of the ex-Somali Republic are far more complicated than betting on a
non-representative faction composed of former Barre cabinet ministers,
and army officers, to make it go away from the UN corridors. One would
have, at least, hoped for a suggestion calling for the appointment of
a tribunal for the war crimes and massacres committed by members of
the very group that the Secretary General is endorsing as "a government,"
for what happened in the ex-Somali Democratic Republic is no less heinous
or tragic than what happened in the ex-Yugoslavia.
The people of Somaliland who were subjected to torture and mass murder
by troops commanded by these war criminals, now "deputies"
in Mr. Hassan's "parliament", in what was nothing but an ethnic-cleaning
long before the word gained currency, were hoping that Secretary-General
and the UN would demonstrate that care about human rights violations
in Africa as much as they do about such violations in Eastern Europe,
the Balkans, and other parts of the world by announcing a war crimes
tribunal for the massacres that happened in the ex-Somali Democratic
But instead of getting any help from the UN and the Secretary-General,
it looks the Secretary-General is trying to push the sovereignty of
Somaliland under the rug, like his predecessor, Mr. Ghali of Egypt.
Impartiality, when it comes to issues affecting the people of Somaliland,
does not seem to be forthcoming from an African secretary-general, wed
to an ideology of colonial frontiers held by the OAU (Organization of
African Unity). And yet, Somaliland is not Biafra, the province that
tried to secede from Nigeria, for Somaliland does not contravene the
Organization of African Unity's edict on the inviolability of colonial
frontiers-Somaliland's frontiers, inherited from the British Protectorate
of Somaliland, are well delineated and have been on the world atlas
for most of the 20th century.
number of UN officials from Africa have in the past misrepresented
the facts of the Somali crisis. First and foremost among them, the
previous S-G who was pursuing an Egyptian foreign policy in the Horn.
Second among them is the previous Under-Secretary for Peace Operations
and present Secretary General, Mr. Kofi Annan. These men, in their
pursuit of political ideology and expediency, have failed the Somalis
and have even tried to portray themselves being more able to understand
the Somalis-Boutros-Boutros Ghali used to say that he understood Somalis
better than anyone at the UN by virtue of being from Egypt, a country
on the same side of Africa as the Somali peninsula. This time is no
exception; and this report reveals that the current Secretary-General,
either intentionally or unintentionally, presents a misreading of
the Somali crisis.
is our hope that the Security Council, which represents a plurality
of nations and ideas will not base it policies on the ex-Somali Democratic
Republic on this report. It is also our expectation that the Security
Council would suggest fair and reasonable solutions to the Somali crisis.
An essential ingredient in such a solution is the right of Somaliland's
people to self-determination.
As has already been noted by the two jurists, Carrol and Rajagopal:
The birth of Somaliland inevitably resulted from a combination of a
distinct colonial experience, extreme economic exploitation and human
suffering (210). The irredentist policies of Somalia and the systematic
discrimination bordering on genocide alienated the northern populations
which never acceded to the Union in the first place. The international
community has a rare opportunity to bring peace and prosperity to the
Horn, before the warlords of butchery in Mogadishu wipe out the evanescent
hopes of independence in Somaliland (211). By a single act of recognition,
the international community can end the sad saga of human suffering,
enhance the prospects for peace in the region by putting an end to the
Greater Somalia concept, and enable the people of Somaliland to reclaim
their future.
Anthony J. Carroll and B. Rajagopal, "The Case for the Independent
Statehood of Somaliland," American University, Journal of International
Law & Politics, Vol. 8:653, 1993.
In conclusion, establishing and reinforcing a new faction, and a new
warlord, Mr. Hassan, is an unwarranted action by the UN. If the UN cannot
or does not want to help Somalis to settle their differences, then at
least it should leave them alone, and not help one faction against the
Let there be no mistake about it: This is the first time that a foreign-appointed
government, which was unlawfully instituted in exile by a foreign country,
has been extended recognition by the UN! The Secretary-General has failed
the Somalis and they will remember.
implore the sensible world leaders not to be taken in by the tacit endorsement
that the Secretary-General has extended to the Djibouti-appointed government,
and the president without a country, Mr. Hassan. The people of Somalia
proper need the assistance of the world to reach realistic peace; but
they do not need the additional onus of a foreign-appointed president
and parliament.
We urge the world leaders to reward the efforts of nations that help
themselves and create the conditions of peace that engender prosperity
for their citizens as well as those of neighboring countries and the
citizens of the world in general. Somaliland has created the conditions
of peace and statehood that benefit its citizens and those of its neighbors.
We urge world leaders to recognize the right of Somaliland's people
to self-determination.
Box 44524 P.O. Box 230220 583 Commercial Road P.O. Box 5276 P.O. Box
43073 Vaskivuorentie
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Canada USA UK Australia State of Kuwait Finland
Chairperson's contact info: Forum site:
P.O. Box 44524, 2376 Eglinton Ave, East, Scarborough, ON M1K 5E3, Canada.
Tel. (905) 707-7442 / (416) 829-7929.
The Somaliland Forum (SLF) is an international organization that brings
together Somalilanders from all parts of the world mainly, through the
medium of the Internet. The primary objective of the Forum is to work
with the Somaliland communities around the world in order to provide
some lasting solutions to the needs of the Republic of Somaliland and
its people. For more information, Please visit the forum's web site