COMMUNIQUÉ, May 18, 2001 Ref. SF/EC-033-2001
the people of Somaliland returned to their homes in 1991, mostly
from neighbouring Ethiopia, where they had fled en masse in 1988
from Barre of Somalia's genocidal pogroms, they came back to a
devastated land: their cities were in rubble and the country a
wasteland riddled with more than 2,000,000 deliberately planted
mines. A traveller reported back then
about their capital city, Hargeisa:
you ever seen Pompeii ?" a UN official had said to me in
Djibouti. "That's Hargeisa now. Only it wasn't a volcano
that destroyed the place --- it was man."
Ago, in the 1980s, Hargeisa had more than 150,000 residents. A
Mecca for traders, it was the second-largest city in Somalia,
and the biggest in the northern region. That region ... declared
independence in May [1991] under the name Republic of Somaliland.
Hargeisa is its capital city.
But it's a capital with a difference: no electricity, no telephones,
no offices and no running water. Little food, little medicine,
little shelter. And not very many roofs.
Abley, "Fighting for Survival," The Gazette (Montreal),
"December 14, 1991, p. e1.
Despite the great odds facing them from the devastation and the
virtual destruction of their homes as well as all the infrastructures
of their county by the Barre regime of Somalia, the people of
Somaliland collectively decided to tally the results of their
union with Somalia,
which had lasted 30 years from the day when their newly independent
state of Somaliland amalgamated with Somalia. They could not find
a single positive development from that union: they had not received
any development programs from Somalia for the twenty years between
1960 and 1980, that is even before the start of the popular revolt
in Somaliland, although they had provided about 80% of the state
revenues. Accordingly, whatever the
future offered, they decided to reclaim their sovereignty and,
took their destiny in their hands. Exactly, ten years ago, on
May 18, they reinstated the Republic of Somaliland within its
colonial frontiers.
those ten years, the people of Somaliland,without any significant
help from the outside world, have quietly rebuilt their homeland,
while the world has poured billions to sort out the problems of
Somalia proper. The homes have been roofed; the schools have been
rebuilt; even two new universities have sprung in a country which,
under 30 years of Somalia rule, never had a university, and businesses
have been restarted from the scratch.
Somaliland is the success story of the Horn of Africa that the
world ignores. Its cities are booming; its airline companies link
all the countries of the Horn of Africa; its telephone companies
compete to provide cellular services to customers; its cities
are so peaceful and stable that they put to shame the capital
cities of many countries.
Harris of the Scotsman' wrote
(The Scotsman June 21, 2000, Wednesday, P. 12):
Hargeisa new buildings are springing up, many of them plush mansions
being built by an emergent business elite capitalizing on a modest
economic boom.
cars sport Somaliland licence plates and many bear bumper stickers
proudly proclaiming "I love Somaliland".
government officials are starting to worry that failure to get
international recognition will stymie future development in the
country. Without it Somaliland cannot establish international
links with foreign airlines or postal services.
of all, it cannot access development funds from the World Bank
or International Monetary Fund."
has also forged unique democratic institutions that African countries
should well heed to copy; its bicameral parliament is a combination
of both tradition and modernism; the senate consists of traditional
elders, whereas the house of representatives consists of
modern day representatives. The judiciary is independent and the
press is free.
May 18 marks the 10th anniversary of Somaliland's new independence
from Somalia. During these 10 ten years, the people of Somaliland
have patiently rebuilt their country and tried to heal from both
the physical and mental destruction brought on them by the former
During those ten years, the people of Somaliland had worked with
all the neighbouring countries interested in maintaining friendly
relationships with them, thus increasing the peace and the stability
of the Horn of Africa. At the same time, during those ten years
every attempt was made to thwart the independence and the freedom,
and indeed the economic progress of the people of Somaliland who
had to start their lives from ground zero in 1991.
this may sound strange, some of the most concerted efforts to
derail Somaliland's independence have come from the very world
body that is supposed to safeguard the rights of the people of
the world: the United Nations. The Secretariat of the United Nations
and some of its agencies have worked hard to push Somaliland under
the carpet in a quest to revive Somalia. For 10 years to this
date, the Secretariat's memos avoid to mention Somaliland by name,
and try to project false and negative images about Somaliland
by deliberately confusing it with Somalia.
The UN Secretary General's recent report to the Security Council
on the situation in Somalia illustrates this unjustifiable practice
of lumping together the two distinct states of Somaliland and
Somalia. This is all the more outrageous given the fact that the
Secretariat's files report under the names 'Kosovo', 'East Timor,'
entities which have less historical existence, and less population
than Somaliland.
UN officials often try to justify their trampling on the rights
of Somaliland's people for self-determination by invoking the
OAU's principle of the inviolability of colonial borders. However,
Somaliland, just like Eritrea which separated recently from Ethiopia
with the blessing of the UN, cannot serve as example for the application
of this principle, since Somaliland had its own colonial frontiers
inherited from Britain on June 1960, and was juridically a state
on its own, before its merger with Somalia on July 1st, 1960.
government of Italy has also tried to thwart Somaliland's quest
for international recognition by siding with efforts to resurrect
Somalia, its former colony. More recently, Djibouti, the smallest
state in the Horn of Africa, and the one that has actually benefited
most from Somaliland's heroic reconstruction efforts, has been
busy trying to destabilize Somaliland.
this 10th anniversary of the rebirth of Somaliland, we extend
friendly hands to all the nations of the world. We reiterate that
we, as a people, have stood united in reconstructing our country
and, in spreading the benefits of peace and economic growth in
the Horn of
Africa. As we have said many times before, we neither seek nor
want revenge on Somalia. We wish Somalia well, and wish success
to those engaged in pulling Somalia out of its chaos and lack
of government.
We have even expressed our willingness to help with the reconciliation
of the Somalia factions. But we are not Somalia. We have a government,
a parliament, a constitution, and a struggling but peaceful country.
on the 10th anniversary of the reinstatement of our independence,
we again stand free, united, and fully committed to safeguarding
our sovereignty and way of life.
deserves a better response and cooperation from the UN instead
of the unfair and unjustified treatment that it has gotten so
far. The machinations of some governments, and the undeclared
war that some UN bureaucrats, particularly African ones, have
exercised against Somaliland, must stop.
say to the responsible leaders of the world: extend a hand of
recognition to our patient, and hard-working people who are ready
to further peace, goodwill and prosperity in their region and,
indeed, throughout the world.
A prominent scholar has said: "On a continent where success
stories are rare, Somaliland's modest progress deserves a better
response than the international cold shoulder it has received
so far. This is especially true because its brand of peacemaking
is real, grounded in the cultural traditions of its people and
not in the benevolent but ill-informed efforts of foreigners."
Prunier. Somaliland Goes it Alone.
Current History,
May 1998, P.225-28.)
Somaliland has so far coped well with being outside of the major
international organizations, it needs to be part of international
institutions such as the international monetary systems, the International
Postal Union, and other world organizations to continue
the economic growth and attract international investors.
Somaliland has earned its place in the community of nations at
no cost to anyone. The world should not hold Somaliland hostage
to the chaos in Somalia or the agenda of a particular country
or the biases of some UN bureaucrats. The world should deal with
Somaliland on its own merit.
The Somaliland Forum
The Somaliland Forum (SLF) is an international organization that
brings together Somalilanders from all parts of the world mainly,
through the medium of the Internet. The primary objective of the
Forum is to work with the Somaliland communities around the world
in order to provide some lasting solutions to the needs of the
Republic of Somaliland and its
people. For more information, Please visit forum's web site at:
Deqa Gele Hidig
Ontario, Canada
Telephon: 416 652-3691
Dahir Abdi Jama
London, U.K.
Mobile(cell): 07960 173 184, Tel: (0)208 347 8529
East & Africa:
Mr. A.Ismail
Kuwait, Kuwait City
Tel: 965 2630592
- An oasis of stability in East Africa.
Does Colin Powell have the courage
to save Somaliland?
oasis de stabilité en Afrique de l'EST. Colin Powell aura-t-il
le courage de sauver le Somaliland ?
Posted to the web 11:49 May 18 2001 - (SLN) May
18 -
to many Americans, there is a Somalia that didn't murder U.S.
Rangers and drag
them through the streets, where U.N. soldiers never set foot,
and where there are no roving gangs of warlords. It is a land
where refugees are eagerly returning, where there is a functioning
democracy, where free enterprise is booming and what is more a
country where they love Americans. So why can't Somaliland get
any respect?
HAS accomplished everything that America ever hoped that Somalia
would and more from ending clan violence to establishing a parliament.
What is its reward?
years after it broke away from the rest of Somalia and declared
its independence, no country has yet formally recognized Somaliland.
And that has caused real hardships. It cannot sign agreements
with multilateral donors such as the World Bank or International
Monetary Fund.
cannot receive more than token aid - for emergency and humanitarian
reasons - but no meaningful bilateral development assistance from
other governments let alone substantive loans to rehabilitate
its dilapidated infrastructure.
sorely lacks the extensive veterinary care it needs to guarantee
its livestock are free of disease for export. It cannot drill
for oil, build new industry, improve its universities or rebuild
its roads. It can not create jobs for the tens of thousands of
refugees returning to Somaliland's relative stability, nor build
a substantial police force or army to protect itself.
HAS accomplished everything that America ever hoped that Somalia
would and more from ending clan violence to establishing a parliament.
What is its reward?
years after it broke away from the rest of Somalia and declared
its independence, no country has yet formally recognized Somaliland.
And that has caused real hardships. It cannot sign agreements
with multilateral donors such as the World Bank or International
Monetary Fund.
cannot receive more than token aid - for emergency and humanitarian
reasons - but no meaningful bilateral development assistance from
other governments let alone substantive loans to rehabilitate
its dilapidated infrastructure.
sorely lacks the extensive veterinary care it needs to guarantee
its livestock are free of disease for export. It cannot drill
for oil, build new industry, improve its universities or rebuild
its roads. It can not create jobs for the tens of thousands of
refugees returning to Somaliland's relative stability, nor build
a substantial police force or army to protect itself.
And what Somaliland fears most is a forced reunion with Somalia.
Somaliland, a former British colony, was severely punished, after
its first marriage to the former Italian colony in the south in
that union to create what used to be known as the Republic of
Somalia, tens of thousands of Somalilanders were murdered by Somali
Army officers. Bodies are still found today, bound together, and
buried in mass graves, with bullets through the backs of their
heads. Over 40,000 men women and children were murdered in the
capital city of Hargeysa
when government MiG jets bombed the city.
such a dreadful union, who would want rejoin Somalia again? As
it turns out, it is almost no one in Somaliland. Somalilanders
call the Somali Republic's actions genocide, and are saying "never
again" to a reunion.
not so in the south, in the former Italian Somalia, where there
is a fervent desire to reunite a greater Somalia. And it is that
wish which threatens the fragile democracy in Somaliland.
has pleaded and begged with the international community for recognition,
but that plea is not based on hardship alone. Somaliland
argues that America needs a strong and faithful ally at the border
of Africa and the Middle East.
shields the soft underbelly of Ethiopia and, as a secular democratic
state, is a bulwark against extremist international anarchy and
terrorism. On a practical level, it offers a huge airstrip, over
13,000 feet, and a deep-water port of Berbera on the Gulf of Aden,
which, the government points out, is safer for U.S. warships than
Aden, in Yemen, where the USS Cole was bombed by terrorists last
of the pillars of the Organization of African Unity is that African
colonial borders should not be redrawn.
So who is opposed to recognition of Somaliland? From Rome to Cairo,
there are many powerful players trying to nix Somaliland's quest
for independence:
supported by Egypt and Libya, thinks an independent Somaliland
sets a precedent for dividing warring Sudan into two independent
countries, North and South.
Djibouti senses, although Somaliland government sources say erroneously,
that Somaliland threatens the need for Djibouti to continue to
fundamentalist states say Somaliland forms a barrier to the solidification
of their hold on Somalia and to their expansion to Ethiopia and
Arab governments who would rather see a reunited Muslim Somalia
to outflank Ethiopia from south and east, to be used to secure
Egypt's unlimited use of the Nile waters and to forestall any
form of future Israeli presence in the area.
which supports Djibouti and is desirous of enhancing its influence
in the region.
Italy, which the Somaliland government says is "still nostalgic
dreaming of a formal colony whose capital is Mogadishu."
the most potent argument against recognition centers on a very
fine, albeit dubious, technical point. Susan Rice, the Undersecretary
of State for Africa during the Clinton administration, was flatly
against recognition because it meant redrawing colonial borders.
One of the pillars of the Organization of African Unity (OAU)
is that African colonial borders should not be redrawn.
But here is the irony. Julius Nyerere, first president of Tanzania,
in the formative stages of the OAU, pleaded against redrawing
African borders so that British Somaliland would not joint with
Italian Somalia.
Why? The fear was that a united Somalia would be a harbinger for
the emergence of Greater Somalia, which, in order to annex surrounding
Somali territories, would invade Ethiopia and Kenya. (The Republic
of Somalia did invade Ethiopia in 1977, and Somali raiders still
more ironic, Nyerere redrew his own borders, joining Tanganyika
with Zanzibar to form Tanzania. Yet nearly 40 years later, Nyerere's
argument is being used to prevent Somaliland from being recognized
as a sovereign state even though it was, briefly, an independent
state after its liberation from British.
On balance, the OAU's doctrine on the "inviolability"
of boundaries inherited from the colonial powers does not apply
to Somaliland because it is situated within the boundaries of
the British Somaliland Protectorate defined in 1886 when it was
declared a British protectorate.
Somalilanders lament that the United States and the United Nations
have had little trouble with redrawing borders in the Balkans
or the former Soviet Union, but still resist to recognize their
nascent republic.
On the 10th anniversary of its declaration of independence, Somaliland
is beginning a vigorous international campaign for recognition
beginning with South Africa, Ethiopia and Kenya. Somaliland's
President Mohammed Egal, has been criss-crossing the globe, appealing
to any government who will listen
'Our history and our identity have completely disappeared from
the world for 30 years, and now we are telling the world that
there is a country called Somaliland.'
Somaliland president "Our history and our identity have completely
disappeared from the world for 30 years, and now we are telling
the world that there is a country called Somaliland," Egal
told NBC News. "We have to educate our friends and brothers
and compatriots in the international community who we are and
where we come from."
Egal, a former prime minister of the Somali Republic until he
was overthrown in a coup and jailed for 12 years, argues passionately
for an independent and internationally recognized Somaliland.
a lack of international recognition casts a long shadow over Somaliland's
future, seriously hindering economic development, strangulating
the burgeoning private sector and eroding public trust in the
country's future. This, observers fear, may bring about a political
downturn which undermines the republican order and ushers in social
anarchy and lawlessness. That, they say, will spell a doomsday
scenario in which almost anything could happen.
the forces of darkness will gleefully celebrate the eclipse of
the only secular democracy in the Somali speaking region of the
Horn [of Africa] and feverishly try to fill the vacuum by establishing
a Taliban-like regime," says Saad Noor, Somaliland's representative
in Washington.
successful, they will hookup with fellow Islamic extremists in
southeast Ethiopia and shake up the very foundation of the Ethiopian
regime. Djibouti will not be safe either. The crescendo will come
to a thunderous roar if the coveted southern shores of the Gulf
of Aden, from the entrance of the Red Sea at Bab el Mandab to
Berbera basin. falls under the control of an organization like
the one that blew up the USS Cole."
and only then, many fear, will the Western democracies shed a
tear for the passing of Somaliland.
Bob Arnot covers Africa's humanitarian and political issues for
NBC News.
By Dr. Bob Arnot NBC NEWS
elected Somali government : Cloning Barre regime.
Gouvernement de Somalie : un clônage du Cabinet de Siad
Abdi Abdillahi Hassan, Holland
Somaliland Forum member
on July 1st 1960, the Somali Republic was a result of a union
of two states ( British Somaliland Protectorate and Somali Italian
trusteeship). Somaliland got its independence 26th of June 1960
from British colonial rule after 76 years of protectorate rule.
South Somalia on the other hand got its independence the 01 of
July 1960.
two states made unpopular union the same day. Civilians of both
states were not consulted Only a few politicians from both sides
agreed to join and make true the dream of a greater Somalia. Electing
Aden Abdullah Osman as it's first president. The whole of Somalia
coming together was not possible because, when Kenya freed itself
from colonial rule in 1963, the British government handed over
N.F.D(north eastern provinces of today) to Kenya. Djibouti got
it's independence from France in 1977 and opted to be an independent
state.These two provinces were part of the Somali five stars which
became free but unilaterally declared independence.
The dream of a grater Somalia started to shatter when it's second
president Abdulrashid Ali Sharmake (1967-1969) was assassinated
by his body guards in Laascanod city. 21st of October 1969, the
military made a bloodless coupe and dictator Mohamed Siyad Barre
came into power the same day. Barre started of his first year
by giving power to military leaders . He suspended the constitution
and abolished all other political parties. Three years later October
21st army junta declared Somalia a socialist country and adapted
scientific socialism . His regime gave the Soviet Union a permission
to establish military basis in
Barbera giving it access to the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea.)
To secure his power, Barre set up a so-called national security
court on January 10 1970, this court mostly ruled death penalty
to the civilians without any legal defence, their appeals were
not accepted. In February of the same year he founded national
security services, building more jails to put arrested politicians
or those whom Barre suspected. Godka
(meaning hell.) was one of the worst built jails for political
prisoners in any African country.
In 1975 Barre dismissed 50 military and civilian officers from
their post, had them arrested and put to jail. They were all from
North Somalia. He gave the important posts in government only
to clan members and allies. He divided the Somali society and
misused the clans system. He used the old colonial policy "divide
and rule."
Barre attacked Ethiopia in July 1977 to liberate the Ogaden province.
His strategy was probably to distract people and to reinforce
his position as the undisputed greater Somali leader. This war
caused many casualties on both sides. It only ended when the Soviet
union intervened and sent 40,000 troops from Russia, Cuba, Yemen
and other eastern Europe
countries. Beside the casualties the war had many other negative
effects like the massive numbers of refugees from Ethiopia. Major
economical setbacks and the instability that plagues the region
to this day. After the Somali army pullout in March 1978 from
Ethiopia, sensing rebellion in the North region he stationed his
army in North Somalia. He ordered
to kill people, rape women, to loot their property. Barre killed
many innocent civilians in the North east provinces as well, after
military leaders Col. Cirro and Abdullahi Yussuf attempted an
abortive coupe after the end of the war. That attempted coupe
led many execution
including their families and some of their clan members.
Eventually, the North East regions formed their own political
party called Somali Salvation Democratic Front ( SSDF), and in
1981 an opposition group called Somali National Movement( SNM)
was formed in the North of Somalia, supporters were Somaliland
ethnic majority Isaac. SNM carried out the weapon struggle against
Barre regime. In early 1988
dictator Barre signed peace treaty with the former Ethiopian President
Mingistu Haile Maryam.
He did that to win the battle against SNM rebels. SNM attacked
the big cities in North Somalia. there were a lot of casualties
on both sides but SNM won the battle. Barre ordered to kill and
illuminate all the Isaac people. He destroyed their cities and
villages, he laid landmines everywhere in the country. The human
rights organization African watch
estimated in 1988 that more than 50, 000 innocent civilians dead.
This was one of the most brutal genocide's in African history.
has co-operated with the other opposition groups ! in the South
including SPM and USC. USC in the South and SNM in the north overthrew
Barre from the power in 27 January 1991. SNM brought the different
clans together and they created peace and security in the region.
long consultations and negotiations of community representatives
by clan leaders, religious leaders and political leaders they
decided to reclaim their sovereignty which they lost, after 30
years struggle in Burao national conference 18 May 1991. Somaliland
become one of the most stable places in the region of Africa.
They have a democratic elected
government, an independent judicial system freedom of speech and
respect of human rights.
The South of Somalia is still struggling with anarchy, chaos,
and conflict. After years without central government in South
Somalia, first Somali peace conference held in Djibouti. Djibouti
government nominated Ali Mahdi as a president. This nomination
lead to the worst civil war in
South Somalia, thousands of people were killed when Ali Mahdi
and his opposition, general Mohamed Farah Aided fought for power.
In May 2000 Djibouti again held another peace conference . they
invited the political veterans of the ex government. The same
politicians who committed war crimes and genocide against Somali
innocent civilians.
fifty ex-generals and military officers attended the conference.
august 2000 they elected a transitional parliament.
transitional parliament elected Abdikasim Salad Hassan president.
Abdikasim gave the position of Prime Minister to Ali Kaleif Galayr.
both Abdikasim and Ali khalif were ministers of the ex-regime.
Beside being an Internal Affairs Minister for 22 years, Abdikasim
was a political adviser of Barre and a Deputy Prime Minister.
Abdkasim was suspected to be responsible for the assassination
former SNM leader Abdikadir Koosaar in Mustahil, and many believe
he is the one who master minded genocide committed against civilians
in Somaliland and was accused by humane rights activist of committing
crimes against humanity during his long career in the Barre regime.
In his interview with CNN, he claimed that his soldiers were not
killing civilians but simply trying to eliminate terrorists.
declared that he did not do anything wrong during his long career
by Barre regime, but that is hard to believe. Barre did not destroyed
a whole nation and commit so many crimes alone especially since
these men were close associates of his. Now the so called new
government is responsible for the current conflict in South Somalia
and the war in Mogadishu in which the militia attacked the UN
workers. The government promised the security for UN staff and
it is clear that it can't provide it. The government it self is
not safe in Mogadishu. The Arta Government blamed their failure
on the UN staff and neighbouring
countries like Ethiopia, which the new government is extremely
hostile towards.
would like to urge the UN and the international community not
to sponsor the so called interim government. For the UN to support
such government is, for it to go against what it stands for. This
government is composed of former parliament members, ministers
who had served under a regime that violated basic human rights
and committed atrocities and
genocide against innocent people.
this nominated regime is giving high positions to the most wanted
and war criminals whom served the last regime. If you watch the
military and police leaders in the Arte Regime are those blamed
to committed the crime against the humanity. The justice system,
the policy officers and those who carry out the judges are all
Barre regime. They are ready to do thier job again. Even the solders
are and the body guards of the new elected administration are
sample of ex- military government. They did not get any training
or orientation to make them humane being and changing the ideology
and the mentality.
most Somali intellectuals, democracy activists, and humane rights
groups are worry the issue, some of them regards that the modernisation
of the government system and democratisation proces in Somalia
is unsuccessful.
Somali intellectuals are worrying that this government are most
war veteran of the war in 1977 against Ethiopia and civil war
in Somalia and they use to lobby nowadays aggressively to attack
Ethiopia and other neighbour countries. Their policy towards neighbouring
country including Somaliland could be escalate other war en destabilisation
in the whole region. Horn of African countries has enough expiration
for the war and it is time for the negotiation, rebuilding, development
and creation a peaceful environment.
regime bought already new weapons and military equipment from
Ukraine and Chine. They connected a new ties with Arab welfare
countries including Saudi-Arabia, Libya and Egypt. They support
the new elected regime to buy cannon and guns to attack against
the innocent civilians and the neighbouring countries. I want
to request the UN and international community not to sponsor the
so called interim government to reach their target.
Finally the most member of parliament, ministers and high post
in the government have served the Barre regime and they have committed
genocide or war crimes and were members of Barre political party
So called Somali Revolutionary Socialist Party (SRSP).
Culosow formed Mister of Agriculture and member of SRSP
2. Abdillahi Ahmed Caddow Minister of Finance and formed USA ambassador
member of SRSP.
3. Abdullahi Osoble Siad Minister of Post and telecommunication,
Minister of Justice, Minster of public service member of SRSP.
4. Ing. Osman Jama Ali Minster of fishery member of SRCP.
5. Mohamed Abdi Yussuf vice minister of Public service member
6. Dahir Warsame vice minister of education.
7. Farah Ali Shire head of INJi agency
8. Bashir Farah Kahiye director of Curriculum Minister of Education.
9. Shire Suudi Mohamud member of SRCP
10. Abdullahi Gacal Ali general director member of SRCP
11. Hassan Sudi Hirsi Minister of member SRCP
12. Ali Khalif Galayr Minister of Trade and Industry Minister
and member of SRCP.
13. Mohamed Rajis Member of SRCP
14. Abdullahi Hassan representative in Arab league until now Member
15. Abdirahman Farah Ismail Ambassador of Egypt
16. Abdirahman Ahud Ali Ambassador of Ethiopia and U.A.E
17. Hassan Salah Ambassador of Sudan
18. Hassan Aden Wadadiid Ambassador of Saudi-Arabia
19. Abdullahi Deerow Isaaq head of Education province Bakool member
20. Ali Mahdi Mohamed war lord and self declared president after
21. Abdulakadir Yam Yam member of SRCP
22. Gen. Mohamed shiikh Osman member of supreme revolutionary
council ( SRC) Minister Of Public Service, Minister of Presidency,
Minister of Finance member of SRCP.
23. Gen. Jama mohamoud Ghalib Commander of National Police, Minister
of Interior Affairs, member of SRCP.
24. Genalal Bile Rafle Guuleed governor of Togdher, North West,
Mudug. Minister of Agriculture, member of SRCP.
25. Genaral Abdi-Asis Ali Barre commander of army Togdher, Commander
of reaction force, commander of 26st division of Somali army(Current
Somaliland) " War Criminal"
26. Gen. Mohamed Hashi Ghani( Butcher of Hargeisa). Commander
of 26 division (Current Somaliland) during 1981-1984, chief staff
of national army, member of SRCP" War Criminal".
27. Mohamed Said Morgen (angel of death) Barre Son in-law, Commander
of Army 26st division (Current Somaliland) " War Criminals"
28. Gen. Mohamed Abdullahi Geelqaad member of SRCP
29. Gen. Mohamed Noor Galaal member of SRCP
29. Gen. Genaral Mohamed Abdi member of SRCP
30. Gen. Yussuf Talan member of SRCP( assassinated shortly in
31. Genaral Ahmed Warsame Mohamud member of SRCP
32. Gen. Carre member of SRCP
33. Gen. Farah wacays Member of SRCP
34. Gen. Omer Haji Massale Commander of National Army and member
of SRCP.
35. Gen. Abdiwahab Mahakaye Commander of Guul wadeyaal army
36. Gen. Hassan Mohamed( Shaadh Guduud) officer of National Security
Service member of
SRCP warlord chairman of RRA. Current opposed the Arta elected
37. Gen. Abdulkadir Haji Massale head of SRCP and right hand of
dictator Barre.
38. Gen. Ismail Qaasim Naji member of SRCP
39. Gen. Abdi Warsame Isaak member of SRC Minister of Social Affairs
member of SRCP.
40. Gen. Osman Jeelle member of SRC Minister of Tourist member
of SRCP.
41. Gen. Mohamed Abshir Muse commander of National Police.
42. Col. Ismaaciil Yasin member of SRCP
43. Col. Mohamed Maydhane members of SRCP
44. Col. Hassan Abshir Mayor of Mogadishu and Ambassador of Germany.
45. Col Saeed Osman Member of SRCP.
46. Col. Yussuf Dheeg Ambassador of Cuba
47. Col. Abshir Salah Commander of National Security service in
Hargeisa and governor of Togdher and Mudug.
48. Col. Abdrisaac Muse Hirsi member SRCP
49. Col. Abdi Mohamed Ahmed members of SRCP.
The Development of the constitution of the Somali Republic, by
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